Jika ingin mengunduh file excel silahkan buka tautan berikut ini : https://sites.google.com/site/berkasagexcel/home/Fungsi%20terbilang.zip ==================================================================================================================================== 'Fungsi penterjemahan masing-masing angka Private Function KeKata(Nomor) TrjKata = Array("", "satu", "dua", "tiga", "empat", "lima", "enam", "tujuh", "delapan", "sembilan") KeKata = TrjKata(Nomor) End Function 'Mulai penulisan Fungsi Terbilang Public Function terbilang(Nilai_Angka, Optional Style = 4, Optional Satuan = "") Angka = Fix(Abs(Nilai_Angka)) 'Desimal dibelakang koma des1 = Mid(Abs(Nilai_Angka), Len(Angka) + 2, 1) des2 = Mid(Abs(Nilai_Angka), Len(Angka) + 3, 1) If des2 = "" Then If des1 = "" Or des1 = "0" Then Koma = "" Else Koma = " koma " & KeKata(des1) End If ElseIf des2 = "0" Then If des1 = "0" Then Koma = "" ElseIf des1 = "1" Then Koma = " koma sepuluh" Else Koma = " koma " & KeKata(des1) & " puluh" End If Else If des1 = "0" Then Koma = " koma nol " & KeKata(des2) ElseIf des1 = "1" Then If des2 = "1" Then Koma = " koma sebelas" Else Koma = " koma " & KeKata(des2) & " belas" End If Else Koma = " koma " & KeKata(des1) & " puluh " & KeKata(des2) End If End If 'Misahin Angka No1 = Left(Right(Angka, 1), 1) No2 = Left(Right(Angka, 2), 1) No3 = Left(Right(Angka, 3), 1) No4 = Left(Right(Angka, 4), 1) No5 = Left(Right(Angka, 5), 1) No6 = Left(Right(Angka, 6), 1) No7 = Left(Right(Angka, 7), 1) No8 = Left(Right(Angka, 8), 1) No9 = Left(Right(Angka, 9), 1) No10 = Left(Right(Angka, 10), 1) No11 = Left(Right(Angka, 11), 1) No12 = Left(Right(Angka, 12), 1) No13 = Left(Right(Angka, 13), 1) No14 = Left(Right(Angka, 14), 1) No15 = Left(Right(Angka, 15), 1) 'Satuan If Len(Angka) >= 1 Then If Len(Angka) = 1 And No1 = 1 Then Nomor1 = "satu" ElseIf Len(Angka) = 1 And No1 = 0 Then Nomor1 = "Nol" ElseIf No2 = "1" Then If No1 = "1" Then Nomor1 = "sebelas" ElseIf No1 = "0" Then Nomor1 = "sepuluh" Else Nomor1 = KeKata(No1) & " belas" End If Else Nomor1 = KeKata(No1) End If Else Nomor1 = "" End If 'Puluhan If Len(Angka) >= 2 Then If No2 = 1 Or No2 = "0" Then Nomor2 = "" Else Nomor2 = KeKata(No2) & " puluh " End If Else Nomor2 = "" End If 'Ratusan If Len(Angka) >= 3 Then If No3 = "1" Then Nomor3 = "seratus " ElseIf No3 = "0" Then Nomor3 = "" Else Nomor3 = KeKata(No3) & " ratus " End If Else Nomor3 = "" End If 'Ribuan If Len(Angka) >= 4 Then If No6 = "0" And No5 = "0" And No4 = "0" Then Nomor4 = "" ElseIf (No4 = "1" And Len(Angka) = 4) Or (No6 = "0" And No5 = "0" And No4 = "1") Then Nomor4 = "seribu " ElseIf No5 = "1" Then If No4 = "1" Then Nomor4 = "sebelas ribu " ElseIf No4 = "0" Then Nomor4 = "sepuluh ribu " Else Nomor4 = KeKata(No4) & " belas ribu " End If Else Nomor4 = KeKata(No4) & " ribu " End If Else Nomor4 = "" End If 'Puluhan ribu If Len(Angka) >= 5 Then If No5 = "1" Or No5 = "0" Then Nomor5 = "" Else Nomor5 = KeKata(No5) & " puluh " End If Else Nomor5 = "" End If 'Ratusan Ribu If Len(Angka) >= 6 Then If No6 = "1" Then Nomor6 = "seratus " ElseIf No6 = "0" Then Nomor6 = "" Else Nomor6 = KeKata(No6) & " ratus " End If Else Nomor6 = "" End If 'Jutaan If Len(Angka) >= 7 Then If No9 = "0" And No8 = "0" And No7 = "0" Then Nomor7 = "" ElseIf No7 = "1" And Len(Angka) = 7 Then Nomor7 = "satu juta " ElseIf No8 = "1" Then If No7 = "1" Then Nomor7 = "sebelas juta " ElseIf No7 = "0" Then Nomor7 = "sepuluh juta " Else Nomor7 = KeKata(No7) & " belas juta " End If Else Nomor7 = KeKata(No7) & " juta " End If Else Nomor7 = "" End If 'Puluhan juta If Len(Angka) >= 8 Then If No8 = "1" Or No8 = "0" Then Nomor8 = "" Else Nomor8 = KeKata(No8) & " puluh " End If Else Nomor8 = "" End If 'Ratusan juta If Len(Angka) >= 9 Then If No9 = "1" Then Nomor9 = "seratus " ElseIf No9 = "0" Then Nomor9 = "" Else Nomor9 = KeKata(No9) & " ratus " End If Else Nomor9 = "" End If 'Milyar If Len(Angka) >= 10 Then If No12 = "0" And No11 = "0" And No10 = "0" Then Nomor10 = "" ElseIf No10 = "1" And Len(Angka) = 10 Then Nomor10 = "satu milyar " ElseIf No11 = "1" Then If No10 = "1" Then Nomor10 = "sebelas milyar " ElseIf No10 = "0" Then Nomor10 = "sepuluh milyar " Else Nomor10 = KeKata(No10) & " belas milyar " End If Else Nomor10 = KeKata(No10) & " milyar " End If Else Nomor10 = "" End If 'Puluhan Milyar If Len(Angka) >= 11 Then If No11 = "1" Or No11 = "0" Then Nomor11 = "" Else Nomor11 = KeKata(No11) & " puluh " End If Else Nomor11 = "" End If 'Ratusan Milyar If Len(Angka) >= 12 Then If No12 = "1" Then Nomor12 = "seratus " ElseIf No12 = "0" Then Nomor12 = "" Else Nomor12 = KeKata(No12) & " ratus " End If Else Nomor12 = "" End If 'Triliun If Len(Angka) >= 13 Then If No15 = "0" And No14 = "0" And No13 = "0" Then Nomor13 = "" ElseIf No13 = "1" And Len(Angka) = 13 Then Nomor13 = "satu triliun " ElseIf No14 = "1" Then If No13 = "1" Then Nomor13 = "sebelas triliun " ElseIf No13 = "0" Then Nomor13 = "sepuluh triliun " Else Nomor13 = KeKata(No13) & " belas triliun " End If Else Nomor13 = KeKata(No13) & " triliun " End If Else Nomor13 = "" End If 'Puluhan triliun If Len(Angka) >= 14 Then If No14 = "1" Or No14 = "0" Then Nomor14 = "" Else Nomor14 = KeKata(No14) & " puluh " End If Else Nomor14 = "" End If 'Ratusan triliun If Len(Angka) >= 15 Then If No15 = "1" Then Nomor15 = "seratus " ElseIf No15 = "0" Then Nomor15 = "" Else Nomor15 = KeKata(No15) & " ratus " End If Else Nomor15 = "" End If If Len(Angka) > 15 Then bilang = "Digit Angka Terlalu Banyak" Else If IsNull(Nilai_Angka) Then bilang = "" ElseIf Nilai_Angka < 0 Then bilang = "minus " & Trim(Nomor15 & Nomor14 & Nomor13 & Nomor12 & Nomor11 & Nomor10 & Nomor9 & Nomor8 & Nomor7 _ & Nomor6 & Nomor5 & Nomor4 & Nomor3 & Nomor2 & Nomor1 & Koma & " " & Satuan) Else bilang = Trim(Nomor15 & Nomor14 & Nomor13 & Nomor12 & Nomor11 & Nomor10 & Nomor9 & Nomor8 & Nomor7 _ & Nomor6 & Nomor5 & Nomor4 & Nomor3 & Nomor2 & Nomor1 & Koma & " " & Satuan) End If End If If Style = 4 Then terbilang = StrConv(Left(bilang, 1), 1) & StrConv(Mid(bilang, 2, 1000), 2) Else terbilang = StrConv(bilang, Style) End If terbilang = Replace(terbilang, " ", " ", 1, 1000, vbTextCompare) End Function